Monday, April 1, 2013


It's April fools' day, so I couldn't let this day go by without writing about it! I don't really know where April fools' comes from, perhaps there's something about the time of year, with its turn from winter to spring, that lends itself to light-hearted celebrations. I've pranked some people when I was little, but this year I was out of inspiration and out of time. This morning, when my brother screamed "April foooooooooooooools!", was when I realised that I hadn't done an April fools' prank in three years. Maybe I should've planed something, but I didn't so you're all left reading my April fools' pranks from previous years.

I really wasn't that creative, but at the time these seemed VERY funny: I'd change everybody's cell phone settings to another language; I'd add a few drops of food colouring to the bottom of a glass I knew one of my family members was going to poor his or her milk in; I'd fill soap dispensers around the house with yogurt; I'd put toothpaste on the doorknobs and I once changed my outgoing voicemail message to "Hello?… Hello?… April Fools!" It's a shame no one called me that day though. :(

Alright, enough about my amateurish pranks, I've actually stumbled upon some that are WAY better. Read all about the "Top 100 April Fools' Day Hoaxes of All Time" right here:

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