I suggest you all whatch this video:
The narrator's name is Alan Watts and he was a British philosopher. T. S. Eliot also wrote an amazing poem about people doing what they didn't really like doing called "The Wasteland". The message is clear: Find the one thing what makes you "itch", not necessarily what makes you rich.
This also made me think of my sister, she'd love to be an architect but gets told time and time again that being an architect is not going to earn her lots of money. I however agree with Watts that it doesn't matter what you're doing, if you do really like what you're doing. 'Cause loving what you do is the only way to really become a master of something. You have to be with it. And then, eventually you'll be able to get paid well for whatever it is.
I hope some of you got inspired by this little video, these are things that are always good to keep in mind.
The narrator's name is Alan Watts and he was a British philosopher. T. S. Eliot also wrote an amazing poem about people doing what they didn't really like doing called "The Wasteland". The message is clear: Find the one thing what makes you "itch", not necessarily what makes you rich.
This also made me think of my sister, she'd love to be an architect but gets told time and time again that being an architect is not going to earn her lots of money. I however agree with Watts that it doesn't matter what you're doing, if you do really like what you're doing. 'Cause loving what you do is the only way to really become a master of something. You have to be with it. And then, eventually you'll be able to get paid well for whatever it is.
I hope some of you got inspired by this little video, these are things that are always good to keep in mind.