Saturday, March 30, 2013


I was shocked to see that over 60 people had seen my blog in the first 6 hours of its existence, since I only told three people about it. So I decided I should keep up the good work, and write my second blogpost. I put my study books back on the shelf and was ready to write and procrastinate (read all about that in my first blogpost) the hell out of the next 2 hours. But then..... NOTHING!

You want to know what happened? Well, ME happened: I am my own WORST CRITIC! Especially when I try to do something creative. That is the one thing I hate most about myself. Sometimes I critique things, before there is even anything to critique. So when I wanted to start writing this post, I just could not type the first sentence. Every time my fingers came even CLOSE to my keyboard something inside me screamed "whatever your poor attempt at writing is going to be, it is going TO SUCK". I've gotten into this bad habit of judging what I'm doing, while I'm doing it. And it's so frustrating! It's like the fear of judgement and the pressure to do things right has made me hesitant of doing anything at all.

Eventually I got over myself and just started typing. After all, I only told three people about this blog, nice people who don't critique me like I critique myself. The rest of the people reading my blog is reading it because they want to, so I've got to be doing something right then! Also, me critiquing myself has actually been a great inspiration for this second post and writing all this down made me come to grips with the fact that I'm maybe a little too harsh on myself sometimes. There is no reason in being like that, after all there are tons of people out there who'd love to tell you that you can't do this, or aren't good enough for that. But if you want to get anywhere in life, you've got to stand up to these people and tell them that you ARE good enough and that you CAN do these things. I know it's a BIG cliché but you can't expect other people to believe in you, if you don't believe in yourself.

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