Tuesday, June 25, 2013


When one door closes, another door opens, they say. In my case one extra door opened, besides the one that is already open. So when both doors are open, which one am I going to enter?  I'm studying Biomedical sciences at the moment, at Maastricht University, but this wasn't the initial plan. I've always wanted to study medicine and become a doctor. So recently I heard, after a year of living, studying and partying in Maastricht, that I got admitted into medicine in Nijmegen.

When one door closes, another door opens; but we so often look so long and regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us ― Alexander Graham Bell.

I think I haven't realised what a great time I had in Maastricht, until I got that letter which stated that I could study Medicine in Nijmegen. I didn't appreciate the great friends I've made here as much as I do now, when I know I'll be leaving soon. This whole year I've been so busy staring at that "closed door" that was studying medicine, that I didn't see the door that was open for me, studying here, in Maastricht, having a great time and meeting the most amazing, inspiring and wonderful people. I feel ashamed, for not being able to see all the great things that were happening right in front of me at the time.

I know which door I'm going to enter, but to my dear friends in Maastricht: I'm going to miss you all SO MUCH, I'll never forget about the great times we've had, the lessons I've learned and how much I've grown as a person because of all of you! I'll do everything I can to keep in touch, I'm not going to close the Maastricht-door entirely, I need you all in my life.